INTERVIEW: Katharsis


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PHOTO CREDIT: Lidia Huerta 



HER recent Apple Water session gained a lot…

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PHOTO CREDIT: Ben Macconachie

of praise and attention. I was keen to speak with Katharsis about that performance and whether we can expect material from her soon. She discusses artists who inspire her and moving from rural Germany to London. I ask how inspiring the city is and whether she has plans concocted for this year.

There are visual elements to Kathasis’ work so I ask whether photography and cinema have helped fuel her music; whether there are any gigs coming soon; a couple of new artists we should watch out for; the albums that mean most to her – and how she saw in the New Year!


Hi, Katharsis. How are you? How has your week been?

Hey. Thanks for having me! My week’s been good, thanks.

For those new to your work; can you introduce yourself, please?

I’m a singer, songwriter and producer; originally from Germany but I’m based in London now - and I’m about to finish my degree in Songwriting. I’d describe my music as a mixture of Classical influences, R&B and Electro-Pop - but I listen to a lot of different stuff, so I try to incorporate a bit of everything!

Lyrics are super-important to me so, whatever you hear in my lyrics, comes from personal experience.

How was your Christmas? Did you manage to spend time with family?

It was nice, thank you! I don’t get to see my family a lot - so coming back to my parent’s house makes me appreciate home more.

Your Apple Water session was put online last month. What was that experience like?

It seems like it has got a lot of great feedback…

It was a bit scary, to be honest. Haha. I am a massive perfectionist, so actually putting things out there for the world to see was a bit nerve-wracking. At the same time, it feels good to finally be able to show everyone what I’ve been working on - after going through a bit of a rebrand last year…and, yeah, the response has been great.

I can’t wait to put out a second live session later this year!

I know you are hinting new music for this year. What are you working on right now? What kinds of themes are inspiring your songwriting at the moment?

My debut single is being mixed and mastered at the moment. I think it’s my favourite song I’ve ever written, so I’m really excited to share it - I can’t give you the name yet but it’s gonna be out at the beginning of February!

I’ve also got a few more tracks lined up for 2018. I’m always inspired by love and human interaction: I find the power dynamics in relationships very interesting. I wanna get behind what makes people tick.

Mental-health is also a big inspiration to me.

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PHOTO CREDIT: Lidia Huerta 

You moved from Karlsruhe, Germany to London aged eighteen. What compelled that decision and was it hard adapting to a city style – as you hail from a more rural landscape?

After I finished school; I spent a gap-year in London and completely fell in love with the city…so I decided to return.

Where I’m from, there’s not much of a music scene if you’re not in a Metal band - as cliché as that sounds! There was nowhere for me to play my music. It was difficult at first: where I’m from it’s really quiet and green; so I think the hardest thing to get used to was all the noise, actually!

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PHOTO CREDIT: Aileen Lekschat

How inspiring and important is the city? Do you get a lot of motivation and guidance from the people and vibe of the capital?

I met a lot of amazing musicians and songwriters here that made me see music in dimensions that I didn’t really think about before. I learn a lot from them all the time: it’s really opened up musical horizons; if you wanna put it that way. It also makes you feel less alone in the music business - which is pretty cut-throat, of course. Having friends that know and share your struggle helps.

I also get a lot of inspiration from going to gigs and London is, of course, the place to be for live music.

Having a Classical upbringing; it is fused with R&B to create something unique. How important is your childhood tastes and early experiences to the sounds you produce now?

I started playing the piano when I was five and continued having lessons until I was twenty; so Classical music has always played a big part in my life. When I was in elementary-school, my older sisters would give me self-made C.D.s with noughties R&B on it: Nelly, Kelly Rowland; Alicia Keys and all that…and I would listen to them all day. Maybe, subconsciously, they’ve found their way back into my music today?!

As I said; I take a bit of everything…so it’s hard to tell!

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PHOTO CREDIT: Lidia Huerta 

Which artists were most important to you when you were younger?

Funnily enough, I only listened to Rock, Pop-Punk and Metal when I was a teenager. I also fronted a Pop-Punk band through high-school. I really loved bands like Paramore, Jimmy Eat World and Lower Than Atlantis back then.

I still do but, of course, the music I make now is very different from that…

Listening to your work; it seems like visuals and imagery are part of who you are. Are photography, image and aesthetic beauty as important to you as music and sonic inspiration?

I think the music should always come first: no video or photoshoot can replace a great song that people connect to. But, you’re right. I really like getting artsy with photos and videos and making sure there’s imagery to go with my music - especially because I write songs from situations or images that get stuck in my head.

I also love artists like Lady Gaga - who push boundaries with their fashion and art!



Who are the new artists you recommend we check out?

I am really in love with IDER right now. They are two girls from London. Their style is so unique and their harmonies are gorgeous.

I also really love a band called ISLAND. They’re releasing an album this year - and I’m super-excited to hear it.



If you had the chance to select the three albums that mean the most to you – which would they be and why?

Paramore - Riot!

I was thirteen and had just started singing in a Rock band – and I didn’t really have a lot of role models. So; seeing Hayley Williams front a band of boys with massive vocals like that was really encouraging.

Jimmy Eat World - Futures

A timeless album for me. I think I can listen to in ten years’ time and still love it.

Lapsley - Long Way Home

Hearing this album was eye-opening; because it was unlike anything I’d heard before. I would say it’s one of my biggest influences now.

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PHOTO CREDIT: Thomas Brooker

Is there any advice you would give to fellow artists coming through right now?

It’s hard to not freak yourself out these days with social media; seeing everyone’s highlight-reel all the time. But, I’ve found it’s important to focus on yourself and your own path and to try and not compare yourself to everyone all the time.

Can we see you perform anywhere soon? What gigs do you have coming up?

I will be supporting the amazing Malory at The Finsbury on 19th Feb. We’ll be playing some brand-new songs and it’s free entry, too!

2018 is here…

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PHOTO CREDIT: Ben Macconachie

What do you have planned in terms of personal goals and ambitions? How did you see in the New Year?

I spent New Year’s Eve at my sister’s place eating lots of great vegan food. Hehe.

I wanna take better care of my health this year. Career-wise; I wanna make and release loads of music and grow as a person!

Finally, and for being a good sport; you can name a song and I’ll play it here (not one of yours as I’ll do that).

I’ve been listening to Table for Two by Elli Ingram a lot lately - the lyrics are super-smart!


 Follow Katharsis

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